Heart Health Breathing
Bringing your hands into prayer position directly at heart center. Take a moment to appreciate this mudra (Atmanjali mudra) and breathe in from your nose, fill your breath down your arms, and exhale out your fingertips. After a few moments breathe In and lift the chin slightly on the inhalation. Exhale and bring the head down (keep the chin level). Do this a few times.
You can add some rosewater spray to the heart center, on a cotton ball for eyes to relax them and soften your world.
Some essential oils for your heart center are: Rose, bergamot, mandarin, fennel, and Ylang Ylang.
The following quote ALWAYS softens my heart in any situation: Be kind: for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
This quote usually centers my heart: Wherever I am, My heart is there.
Wishing you a lovely day.
“I feel that Frances has helped me raise my general level of health. She has improved my health overall. Her work is deep and brings me a greater well being with each session.”
- K. Psychotherapist